Keeping a relationship these days is as difficult as taking toffee from a toddler— you can say all the sweet words in this world and still not get the toffee from his or her grips.

In extreme cases, one even would be forced to employ the if persuasion fails, force is applied and still get nothing. What am I blabbering about?

I am at my wit’s end trying to find out what really one has to do to keep a man in a relationship that possibly would lead to marriage.

It is not like I am in a haste to get married but per one twitter post, we have been made to understand that s*x and for that matter, good food is no longer things that hold or ties him down.

Personally, I have done quite a lot to keep a man and in as much as it may be debatable, I would say maybe a man who does not want to be kept certainly won’t stay no matter how hard one tries.

We want to know what one has to do to keep a man and as men, what must and should we do for you lot to stay. Have your say dear readers.

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