Movie producer cum radio personality, Ola Micheal has indicated that the relationship between Stonebwoy and his ardent fan, Ayisha Modi will never fall apart.

He explained that though Ayisha is very loud but she doesn’t think the relationship they have created can be like how she’s now fighting with other musicians for being ungrateful.

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Speaking on Neat FM, the presenter emphasized that in as much as he believes that they are not going to fall apart the dancehall giant should be careful.

He stated that everything is possible hence if they break up their relationship it could lead to destroying the marriage of Stonebwoy.

Ayisha Modi is known to be having a bond with reggae dancehall giant, Stonebwoy and has always defended him regardless of every issue that will pop up.

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This strong relationship they have has made many speculate that the way Ayisha Modi is loud when they fall out Ghanaians will experience tension and the things they have shared as friends.


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