Lawyer Maurice Ampaw has seldom confessed that he once cheated on his wife.

“Men are potentially cheats and, myself, I have cheated on my wife before, although I’m legally married. So…I’ve cheated and I’ve confessed to my wife,” he disclosed on Class FM on Thursday.

We don’t respect our bodies, we think that cheating is a trendy lifestyle: the more women you have the more your prowess. So you could see that young guys will chase women and boast about it.

I have a friend who can never sleep with a woman twice. If he has an affair with you, he tells me that he cannot erect for the second time, so he is always hunting for fresh girls. And we have men who have concubines all over the country…and we have men who naturally enjoy cheating because to them cheating is a way of showing that they are smart… So, naturally, there are so many reasons that men cheat but potentially men are cheats.

Even in Islam you can go for four wives, but it is only in the Christian religion that we are being hypocrites

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