A lot of people have not been able to come to terms with the fact that AMG Medikal is dating Deborah Vanessa otherwise known as Sister Durbee all in the name of the huge gap between their ages.

But who even cares about age if and when there is love. The 25 year old has received a lot of backlash for opting to date a “sugar mummy” as Deborah is 32 years old but it looks like the couple have paid much if any attention to it at all.

One person who is obviously happy for them is Wanlov, Deborah’s brother. According to him, there is nothing wrong with that and age they have always said is just a number.

He said in an interview with Dr Pounds that his sister does not even look her age and I sleep with him on that.

“They have fun. I always watch their snapchat and meeting them. They’re happy together. They’re pushing and helping each other to excel,”

“Age is nothing but a number and Deborah, apart from looking younger than her age, she’s very playful, very young at heart so until she releases her age to you, you won’t even know,” he explained.

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