Loving someone is hard enough though it is never supposed to be but deciding by free will to want to be with them and share your life with them is a different ball game altogether.

The propensity to get yourself hurt is high a tide that we almost always allow ourselves not to see all the possible outcomes. However, bad things happen and unfortunate ones get their hearts broken.

Heartbreak is no metaphor and it takes one who has equally being to hurt to understand and know that, that feeling often gives rise to a need to be with someone else immediately.

The truth is, you just want to do whatever it takes to forget whoever that caused you that much pain. That is where rebounds come in.

Urban Dictionary defines a Rebound as someone who you date/ goes out with to keep yourself busy and you use him/her to keep your mind off your ex who you still have feelings for.

One only does a disservice to a rebound because whatever they feel for them are never true. Sadly people allow themselves to be used as rebounds knowing that relationship may never work but cling to hope that just maybe, it might take a sweet turn.

Rebounds are just nonstarters and absolutely a no-go area, its consequences are out of this world. Take time to read the following. 

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