has chanced on a video where a die-hard fan of Nigerian Singer, David Adeleke, well known as Davido tattooed the faces of his children on her back.

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Well, we know some fans go to the extreme of tattooing their favorite celebs on their bodies but for one to go to the extent of doing that for his/her favorite celebs kids, that’s what I call a die-hard fan.

Now, most people were expecting Davido to react to this. For a fan to do this for him, he should at least express some love to her but Davido still remains silent.

Maybe Davido has not come across the video yet or he has already seen it and decided not to pay attention to it.

Whichever way this may be, I’m sure the fan has no regret of doing that even if Davido himself doesn’t react to it.

Watch the video below:


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